Our wonderful Friday visitor

Created by helten 2 years ago
Terry had that cheery indomitable London spirit that shines out in a crisis. I looked forward to his deliveries on a Friday mainly to listen to his take on the latest government  Covid rules. He was as bemused as the rest of us about the meaning of each new development. But., although not really sure of his own safety. Terry never showed any fear, only reassurance that he was taking great care in the face of the virus threat.  And he always asked after me and Helen’s health. 
Most memorably, he adopted the most absurd government guideline as his ironic parting catchphrase. Stay Alert”, he would say with a mischievous grin and a thumbs up that always made me chuckle. Terry was relentless and delivered in all weathers.  He was a lifeline to us, bringing much needed food that would have been difficult to source otherwise. I missed him today and won’t forget him. Stay alert Terry, wherever you are.