Nina 11th September 2021

I was so very shocked and saddened to hear about Terry's unexpected death. He delivered our fruit and veg for many, many years, but was only in the last year and a half, while I've been working from home during the pandemic, that I got to know him well. He was a reassuring, regular visitor in these very strange times, and often the only other (non-family) person I saw during the week. We always had a good old chat on the doorstep, about his family, his cat Lulu, and whatever else was in the news that week. His face would light up when Megan our cat appeared to say hello and be petted by Terry. He was such a lovely man, kind and caring and of course an exemplary delivery driver. My sincere condolences to his family, who should take some comfort from the fact that Terry was so loved and respected by his Farmaround customers, and will be sadly missed by so many. Nina, Ben, Joe, Hela - and Megan